Join us at Redeemer for all types of events as we seek to be a

Gospel-Centered, Missional Family!


Each week RedeemerYouth meets weekly for small group discussion, dinner, and hangout time.    


Sunday Nights | MS 5:00, HS 6:30 PM | The Outpost, 3501 N Lamesa Rd


Parents have been given the important task of teaching and modeling a love for Jesus. Parents are the primary disciplers in the home, and we as a church want to come alongside you to equip you for that job. A few times a year, we have special services to dedicate parents and kids to the Lord and to pray over them.

If you’re interested in participating in our next Baby Dedication, September 22nd, please fill out the form below!


September 22, 2024 | 9:00 or 10:45 am | McGraw Gym, During Service


We are in the middle of a two-year initiative called First to the Lord where we are learning what it means to give sacrificially first to God then to one another.

If you were not around last October for the First to the Lord sermon series, Vision & Worship night, or Commitment Sunday, we would love for you to join us for a Vision Night and dinner on September 22nd. This will be a special time of gratitude for what God has done in your life and in the life of Redeemer and prayer for all that is to come. We have limited space so RSVP now!


September 22, 2024 | 5:00 – 7:45 pm | The Outpost (3501 N Lamesa Rd.)

360 MAN

A time of teaching, prayer, and discussion for Redeemer Men. Our prayer is that we will come together as a community of men to encourage, sharpen, and point each other to Christ.


September 25, 2024 | 6:30 – 7:30 am | The Outpost, 3501 N Lamesa Rd


Redeemer Women, have you wondered what it means to truly know that we are loved by God? Delighting in the Trinity talks about Trinitarian love, how that overflowed into Christ, how we are loved by Christ, and how that should impact how we live as Christians. If you’d like to join to learn or to make new friends, sign up today!


Monday Nights (September 23rd – October 28th) | 7:00 pm | The Outpost (3501 N Lamesa Rd)


Next Steps and Covenant Partner Classes are the places to be, whether you’re new and want to know more about Redeemer and becoming part of our church family, or if you’ve been around a while and want to know how to get connected to others at Redeemer.  Lunch and childcare provided!


September 29, 2024 | 12:30 pm | SLC Library at MCS


Next Steps and Covenant Partner Classes are the places to be, whether you’re new and want to know more about Redeemer and becoming part of our church family, or if you’ve been around a while and want to know how to get connected to others at Redeemer.  Lunch and childcare provided!


October 27, 2024 | 12:30 pm | SLC Library at MCS

360 MAN

A time of teaching, prayer, and discussion for Redeemer Men. Our prayer is that we will come together as a community of men to encourage, sharpen, and point each other to Christ.


October 30, 2024 | 6:30 – 7:30 am | The Outpost, 3501 N Lamesa Rd

360 MAN

A time of teaching, prayer, and discussion for Redeemer Men. Our prayer is that we will come together as a community of men to encourage, sharpen, and point each other to Christ.


November 20, 2024 | 6:30 – 7:30 am | The Outpost, 3501 N Lamesa Rd


Next Steps and Covenant Partner Classes are the places to be, whether you’re new and want to know more about Redeemer and becoming part of our church family, or if you’ve been around a while and want to know how to get connected to others at Redeemer.  Lunch and childcare provided!


December 1, 2024 | 12:30 pm | SLC Library at MCS